Our mission is to provide Russian farmers with modern agricultural equipment, high-quality spare parts and reliable service. We provide customers with the opportunity to choose from simple and affordable to the most high-tech solutions.



  • Take a technological step forward

    At the Interagromash exhibition in Rostov-on-Don, the «Bizon» company showed workers in the agro-industrial complex the main directions of modernization of agricultural production. Modern tractors, combines, equipment for tillage, sowing, application of fertilizers and plant protection products, loaders, navigation and irrigation equipment… The machines will help agricultural enterprises reach a new technological level and increase the efficiency of agribusiness.

    Take a technological step forward
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The agrotechnological holding «Bizon» is a supplier of agricultural machinery, road construction equipment, spare parts and services as well. Company has been working in the agricultural sector since 1994. The holding's enterprises represent the products of more than 500 machine-building plants.

We sell grain and forage harvesters, tractors in a wide range of power, sprayers and fertilizer spreaders, telescopic loaders, tillage implements and seeding systems, high-performance excavators and many other special equipment.

All machines are provided with qualified service and components. We always have more than 50 thousand types of spare parts in stock at our warehouse.

Agricultural machinery, road construction equipment, spare parts are sold at the holding's central office in Rostov-on-Don and in a distribution network covering the Rostov and Voronezh regions, Krasnodar and Stavropol territories, as well as other regions of Russia.

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