The company «Bizon» opened a classroom «Modern Viticulture» at DSTU

16 September 2024

Agrotechnological holding «Bizon» together with the Don State Technical University created a classroom «Modern Viticulture» at the faculty of «Agro-Industrial» to train highly qualified specialists. The classroom is equipped with models of machines, stands, multimedia equipment, as well as a laboratory for studying the organoleptic properties of wine, allowing to get acquainted with new technologies in growing and processing grapes.

The company «Bizon» opened a classroom «Modern Viticulture» at DSTU

— Grapes have been grown in the Don land for three thousand years, — said Sergey Sukhovenko, Head of the agrotechnological holding «Bizon». — Peter I, traveling along the Don at the end of the 17-th century, ordered to grow it here and even personally planted five bushes in the Persianovki area. Our grapes are famous — when Napoleon was defeated, Kutuzov drank not French, but Tsimlyansk wine. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin has the following lines: «Prepare, cherished Don, for dashing riders the cheerful, sparkling juice of your vineyards». It is very important to develop autochthonous varieties of the Don, which are adapted to our sharply continental climate. Now in Russia, very good conditions have been created for our own viticulture. The wines we produce are not inferior in quality to the famous varieties of Europe.

The training class «Modern Viticulture» is designed for 25 students. The focus is on innovations in the field of near-trunk and inter-bush soil cultivation, vine pruning, application of fertilizers and plant protection products, reclamation of vineyards and research of the characteristics of finished wine products. Here, students will be able to master theoretical courses, the structure of machines and individual mechanisms, get acquainted with the basic principles of growing and processing sweet berries, and conduct practical classes. Studying the educational material using specific examples will improve the quality of the knowledge gained, making specialists in demand in viticulture farms and wineries.

The cooperation between the Agrotechnological holding «Bizon» and DSTU is a striking example of public-private partnership designed to consolidate scientific, educational and production potential to ensure high rates of development of the agro-industrial complex. Thus, in 2017, the enterprise joined the territorial cluster «Don Valley», created at the suggestion of the educational institution. In 2019, the company opened a class «Modern Agriculture» at the university to study new technologies in the agro-industrial complex as well. In 2024, the company «Bizon» joined the board of the target capital fund «Development of DSTU», created to attract funding for promising projects. The parties are also linked by other educational initiatives. For example, for several years now, university students have been actively involved in the work of the enterprise and carry out educational activities based on industrial experience. In turn, the company’s employees are involved in the teaching process at DSTU.

Representatives of the legislative and executive authorities, winegrowers and winemakers of the Rostov region took part in the grand opening of the educational class «Modern Viticulture».

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