Spring field work is in full swing at the agricultural enterprises of the company «Bizon», LLC Zarya Dona and LLC Krasnokutskoye. The farms have already made the first top dressing of winter wheat seedlings, for which about 6000 hectares have been allocated.

Today, farmers are sowing peas and spring barley. The next crops for sowing will be flax, annual and perennial grasses, chickpeas, sorghum and sunflower. The total area of the spring sowing campaign is over 5000 hectares.
All crops in the holding’s agricultural enterprises are cultivated using
This spring, LLC Zarya Dona and LLC Krasnokutskoye will significantly increase the use of liquid mineral fertilizers, which provide the necessary plant nutrition at a lower cost. In the fields where they were applied simultaneously with sowing last year, the yield reached 65 c/ha. For a wider use of promising technology, the number of seeders equipped with trailed containers for liquid fertilizers has been increased from two to four.
Sowing work on the farms is planned to be completed by in the middle of May, and crop care will be carried out until harvest.
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