An agrotechnological practical work was held at the Zarya Dona and Krasnokutskoe farms

19 April 2024

Employees of the company Bizon took part in an agrotechnological practical work at the Zarya Dona and Krasnokutskoe farms in the Oktyabrskyi district of the Rostov region. During the week, managers of the purchasing department got acquainted with the results of using resource-saving technologies and modern equipment in agricultural enterprises.

An agrotechnological practical work was held at the Zarya Dona and Krasnokutskoe farms

The company’s specialists were presented with the results of more than 15 years of work in agriculture (the farms became part of the holding Bizon in 2007). On 11 thousand hectares, agricultural enterprises, instead of the traditional pursuit of the harvest, rely on obtaining maximum profitability. The employees visited sunflower sowing and winter wheat fields. They were told about the specifics of soil preparation and sowing using traditional, minimal and no-till technologies, the features of using high-quality crop rotation, plant protection products and liquid fertilizers prepared at their own mortar units. Agricultural technologists Vasily Abashkin and Vladimir Gapon shared their experience in selecting and operating modern equipment.

An effective model for increasing labor productivity, implemented in LLC Zarya Dona and LLC Krasnokutskoe could be applied to any farm with adjustments to natural and climatic conditions. Therefore, the agrotechnological practical work is designed to broaden the horizons of our specialists, present them with a positive example of conducting agribusiness, as well as modern equipment and management solutions that help agricultural enterprises move to a new technological level.

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