Our “Immortal Regiment”: honoring the memory of heroes

08 May 2024

On May 8, employees of the agrotechnological holding Bizon and members of their families supported the all-Russian action «Immortal Regiment». About 300 people marched in front and carried photographs of relatives who took part in the Great Patriotic War.

Our “Immortal Regiment”: honoring the memory of heroes

Every year there are fewer and fewer of those who won our victory in May 1945. The soldiers are leaving, they will no longer pass in the ranks of their fellow soldiers. Instead of them, you and I, their grandchildren and great-grandchildren, did it.

In memory of the exploits of our ancestors, a solemn meeting was held on the territory of the holding’s central complex in Rostov-on-Don, a minute of silence was declared and the Victory Banner was raised. The famous message about the victory of announcer Yuri Levitan and music from the war years were played as well. The procession took place to the song «Victory Day». According to tradition, on May 9, a large festive banner was placed with photographs of our front-line relatives who fought against fascism.

The purpose of the holding’s participation in the «Immortal Regiment» event is to pay tribute to the war heroes and demonstrate the continuity of generations. We remember our veterans that’s why they are immortal for us!

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