Supported creative young people at the festival AgroFest 2024

24 May 2024

The agrotechnological holding «Bizon» for the sixth time took part in the student festival of project activities AgroFest, which is held by the Don State Technical University in the village of Divnomorskoye, Krasnodar Territory.

Supported creative young people at the festival AgroFest 2024

This season 70 students from twelve universities from all over Russia united into one team to solve cases from leading enterprises in the agricultural sector.

In accordance with the assignment from our holding, students developed a universal set of equipment for edge fertilization with an automatic side wind compensation system, which will help farmers feed plants at the edge of the field without any loss.

The AgroFest jury gave the student work a high rating. A member of the company «Bizon» team, a student of KubSAU, won in the «Best Speaker» category. Our employees, Vitaly and Igor Matvienko, acted as experts.

Organizers of AgroFest festival: Faculty of Agro-Industrial and Faculty of Media Communications and Multimedia Technologies of Don State Technical University.

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