The agrotechnological holding «Bizon» celebrated the Day of Excellence

03 June 2024

Another school year has ended. All grades have been posted in our schoolchildren’s diaries, and the long-awaited summer holidays have arrived. This means you can sum up your academic performance and encourage the children of employees who get straight only on 5 balls in their studies.

The agrotechnological holding «Bizon» celebrated the Day of Excellence

The 3 of June, the head of the company «Bizon» Sergey Leonidovich Sukhovenko held a solemn meeting with 83 excellent pupil and their parents. All first-graders — 26 boys and girls — were also invited to the central office in Rostov-on-Don. A festive event was organized for the children with the presentation of certificates and gifts, a tour of the trade and exhibition complex and the museum of agricultural machinery, and delicious treats were prepared too.

The schoolchildren were congratulated on their successful completion of the curriculum and wished all them exciting discoveries and the highest grades in the coming year. There were a lot of smiles, bright impressions and surprises as well.

«We are interested in employees» children doing well in school and respecting their parents’ work," said Sergey Sukhovenko. «We hope that in a few years they will join our team." Therefore, today we want to introduce them to the conditions and specifics of our work and lay the foundations for career guidance.

Children of employees have been under the social care of the holding for almost 20 years. They are regularly rewarded for successful studies and encouraged to acquire new knowledge. And since last year, we have returned to the tradition of organizing the annual Excellent Student Day. Parents can also celebrate the holiday — according to the decision of the head of the enterprise for the proper upbringing of children, this day is a day off for them.

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