Harvest 2024: harvesting has begun at the holding's agricultural enterprises

24 June 2024

The 24 of June in farms «Zarya Dona» and «Krasnokutskoe» in the Oktyabrsky district of the Rostov region (part of the agrotechnological holding «Bizon») began harvesting early grain crops. During the harvest, agricultural enterprises will have to collect wheat, barley, peas and flax on an area of almost 8 thousand hectares.

Harvest 2024: harvesting has begun at the holding's agricultural enterprises

Despite the lack of precipitation in April and May, crop prospects are good — within the five-year statistics. According to plant growers, the effective use of resource-saving technologies and modern equipment helps them protect themselves from the vagaries of the weather.

«We started the harvest with peas and winter wheat, and will finish with flax», said Vladimir Lapinsky, manager of agricultural enterprises. — There are 18 combines working in the fields. Unloading of grain is carried out without stopping the harvesting equipment into special reloading bins. Heavy vehicles do not enter the field. As a result, logistics have significantly improved and soil compaction has decreased.

Immediately behind the combine harvesters, stubble cultivation takes place. With the help of wide-cut disc harrows, crop residues are incorporated and moisture is conserved.

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