The holding's agricultural enterprises have completed early harvesting grain crops

17 July 2024

«Zarya Dona» and «Krasnokutskoye» farms in the Oktyabrskyi district of the Rostov region (part of the «Bizon» agrotechnological holding) have completed harvesting the main grain crops. The harvest went at a good pace and took 20 days. During the field work, wheat, barley and peas were collected from an area of almost 7,500 hectares.

The holding's agricultural enterprises have completed early harvesting grain crops

According to the results of the Harvest- 2024 the average yield of winter wheat in agricultural enterprises was 35.5 centners per hectare, barley — 29.5 c/ha. In general, the yield of grain crops in the Oktyabrskyi district is 27.9 c/ha.

-In contrast last year, when we had to work racing with the rain, this year there was practically no precipitation, — said Vladimir Lapinskyi, manager of agricultural enterprises. — For a year with a real drought and recurrent spring frosts that hit crops hard, we consider the yield obtained to be good.

Flax harvesting has begun in agricultural enterprises — it occupies about 500 hectares. Stubble cultivation of the soil is being completed in the fields, preparations for winter sowing are in full swing and maintenance work is being carried out on sunflower crops.

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