Winter sowing is underway at the farms of the agro-technological holding company «Bizon»

07 October 2024

Winter wheat sowing is in full swing at the agricultural enterprises «Zarya Dona» and «Krasnokutskoye» (Oktyabrskyi district of the Rostov region). 6,000 hectares have been allocated for the crop. A third of the area from the plan has already been sown. Five tractors with wide-grip seeding complexes are working in the field.

Winter sowing is underway at the farms of the agro-technological holding company «Bizon»

— Winter sowing is taking place in difficult weather conditions, — said Vladimir Lapinskyi, manager of agricultural enterprises. — No precipitation, strong wind with dust storms, very dry soil. We hope that autumn will still please us with rain.

At the same time, farms are preparing for the upcoming sowing of spring crops. Soil preparation and chemical treatment of fields to destroy weeds are underway. In the spring, another 5,000 hectares will be sown with wheat, barley, peas, sunflower, flax, perennial and annual grasses.

All crops are cultivated taking into account the principles of resource-saving agriculture. For several years now, liquid mineral fertilizers have been introduced during sowing, which are produced at our own solution units. Seeders have been equipped with trailed tanks for liquid fertilizers specifically for the use of promising technology that provides the necessary nutrition for plants at lower costs.

Autumn sowing work in the holding’s agricultural enterprises is planned to be completed by the end of October.

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