The Weichai Lovol Global Partner Conference on the theme «Hand in Hand. Strategic Cooperation» was held in Weifang, China, bringing together more than 460 agricultural machinery dealers from around the world. The congress summed up the work and announced plans for the development of the enterprise and dealer network for the coming years, and also demonstrated advanced examples of agricultural equipment.

The manufacturer and dealers discussed current topics and exchanged sales experience. In particular, the General Director of the company Bizon in his report gave practical examples of promoting Lovol tractors and interacting with customers. The speech aroused great interest among both plant representatives and other dealers of agricultural machinery.
Weichai Lovol also assessed the results of our work in servicing tractors. According to the results of 2024, the «Bizon» company was recognized as the best service provider in Russia and received an award from the enterprise.

The company’s team thanks our partner Weichai Lovol for the high evaluation of their work, support and trust. We intend to continue to supply
Weichai Lovol is one of the largest agricultural machinery manufacturers in China, offering comprehensive solutions for agricultural mechanization. The equipment is supplied to more than 120 countries. The equipment is reliable,

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