“Bizon” represents innovative Brazilian farm machinery

28 August 2014

Every agrarian’s dream is maximum productivity at economic costs. But usual methods of farming don’t bring expected results. Searching effective models of management, heads of commercial farm units turn to the experience of South American farmers, who has been keeping leadership in grain crop productivity for many years.

“Bizon” represents innovative Brazilian farm machinery

Precision farming is experiencing a real «boom». During the latest decade local farmers managed to increase crop yield alongside with decreasing production cost.

«Classic technologies, which are widely spread in our country, don’t take into account unequal soil fertility of a definite field, fertilizers are applied without considering needs» — Alexander Gludkij, vice-president of the company «Energomir» from Stavropol region, came to this conclusion after his business trip to South America, — Very often we spend significant means without getting necessary effect. Brazilian farmers constantly monitor soil condition on each micro area. They control density, moisture and aggregate composition, macro and microelements content, their distribution through the whole field area. Gathered data are used for calculating seeding norms, necessary quantity of fertilizers and plants protection means, more precise forecast of crop yield and financial planning.

Following Brazil, technology of precise farming got wide distribution in the USA and Europe, and together with it, technology of the firm «Stara» got deserved recognition. This machinery allows keeping the record of crop yield in time and area, controlling the process of plants development and exposing problematic areas. Due to the usage of the most modern computer and satellite technologies in their construction, seeding complexes, self-propelled sprayers and fertilizer broadcasters provide immediate supply regulation of seeds, fertilizers and plants protection means for a definite field point.

«Every area gets exactly the required quantity of seeds and chemicals, no more, no less, — Aleksej Yakushev, the head of strategic planning department in «Bizon» company, said — and taking into account the fact, that their cost is constantly increasing and they represent a considerable article of expenditures in farming, the question of their efficient use is especially essential. As it was already seen on practice, the exploitation of «Stara» machinery saves 17–20% of fertilizers and plants protection means and 20–25% of fuel.

During the Field Day in Stavropol region «Bizon» company exhibited the whole range of machinery, necessary for realization of precise farming technologies. First of all farm commercial units will require systems for combine harvester modernization for crop yield defining and field mapping. «Bizon» is going to provide technologic and advisory service for each farm. Together with the supplier, agrarians will be able not only optimize their expenses, but also improve soil fertility.

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