Don parliamentarians recommend farmers to actively renew the fleet of equipment and introduce precision farming technologies

22 July 2019

Deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Rostov region, representatives of the regional executive authorities, heads of agricultural enterprises and technical training institutions announced the need to increase the rate of renewal of the park agricultural machinery and the introduction of precision farming technologies.

Don parliamentarians recommend farmers to actively renew the fleet of equipment and introduce precision farming technologies

July 11 Committee on Agrarian Policy, Environmental Management, Land Relations and Affairs Cossacks of the Legislative Assembly of the Rostov region held in the company «Bizon» an exit meeting of the round table on the topic: «On the technical re-equipment of modern high-performance machinery of agricultural enterprises of the Rostov region and the introduction of precision farming technologies.»

During the meeting, participants emphasized the need in the face of rising fuel prices, fertilizers and plant protection products to increase the efficiency of agricultural production and adoption of measures to support agricultural enterprises.

— It is necessary to create stimulating conditions for the development of the village, — said Vyacheslav Vasilenko, Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Rostov Region — Chairman Committee on Agrarian Policy, Environmental Management, Land Relations and Affairs Cossacks. — It is necessary to support the renewal of the agricultural machinery park and the introduction of precision farming systems through leasing mechanisms and subsidies.

According to the general opinion of deputies, scientists and farmers, the use of precision farming systems and digital technology could be the most effective and fastest tool increase the profitability of agriculture. Experience shows that, thanks to competent the use of resources and strict accounting, costs are almost immediately reduced by 10–15%. And in the future, costs become less and less, and labor productivity more and more increases. Moreover, the necessary equipment pays off in the first or second season.

— When we began to study the experience of implementing precision farming seven years ago, we turned close attention to Argentina and Brazil, — said Sergey Sukhovenko, General Director of the company «Bizon». — It is here that the level of state support for agriculture approximately the same as in Russia and the soil and climatic conditions are very similar to ours as well. These countries have been developing digital technologies for 20 years and thanks to them have achieved high results. There are successes in our own farms, in which we use mechanisms precision farming. They allow us to save significantly while maintaining yield.

The participants of the round table were shown on the example of specific agricultural enterprises, serviced by the company «Bizon», in real time, how work digital technology. Harvesting, tillage, sowing, fertilizing and protective equipment plants, the movement of technology — all indicators and parameters are under control. No downtime no overlap. Attention is paid to each section of the field and its needs. «Labor productivity rises to 40% and higher," agrarians confirm.

— Today 70% of agricultural enterprises of the Rostov region are only on the verge
modernization, — summed up Vyacheslav Vasilenko. — We must help them move out of 20 century into the 21st century. It is necessary to support the renewal of the fleet and the introduction of new technologies.

Following the results of the round table, the Don deputies decided to recommend:
— more actively absorb the funds of the regional budget in 2019 for the acquisition of agricultural machinery and technical re-equipment of agricultural enterprises;
— consider the possibility of providing subsidies for production and acquisition
precision farming techniques, as well as the introduction of digital technologies;
— To promote the popularization of domestic agricultural machinery on the domestic and foreign markets;
— educational institutions to consider the possibility of training specialists in areas like «Precision farming and telemetry» and «operator of unmanned aerial vehicles».

Recommendations sent to the Government of the Rostov region, Don State Technical University, October Agrotechnological College and Commerce industrial chamber of the Rostov region.

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