We will supply to customers with equipment for viticulture and horticulture through the Rosagroleasing system

16 September 2021

On September 16, at the PRO Yabloko 2021 exhibition in KavMinVody, the companies Bizon, Rosagroleasing, Industrias David and Manez Lozano signed a price agreement and contract on the inclusion of equipment for viticulture and horticulture in the range of equipment, which can be purchased using the mechanism of preferential state leasing.

We will supply to customers with equipment for viticulture and horticulture through the Rosagroleasing system

More and more vineyards are striving for a comprehensive mechanization of production, which will allow you to get a good harvest with minimal labor, energy and material resources. To move to a new technological level today, they need to have modern machines and equipment.

— Our winegrowers and gardeners have rich experience, traditions and prospects, — said Evgeny Pavlenko, Deputy General Director of the company Bizon. — But there is also a serious lag in terms of mechanization of the economy. Now, thanks to the inclusion of Industrias David and Manez Lozano equipment by Rosagroleasing in its range, vineyards and horticultural enterprises will be able to buy machines from leading world manufacturers on favorable terms.

The company Bizon will supply customers through the Rosagroleasing system with cultivators, chasing machines, precutters, tillage implements, fertilizer distributors, sprayers and much more equipment. All equipment will be provided with service, spare parts and components.

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