The winner of the only Russian races on tractors "Bizon-Track-Show 2019", which passed on June 2 near Rostov-on-Don, became a mechanic from the Moscow region Vyacheslav Mironov.
In the XVII races on tractors “Bizon-Track-Show” took part 33 rural machine operators from Rostov and Moscow regions, Stavropol Territory and the Republic of Crimea. Main focus in Tractor competition was made at speed and full-time fight. 10 km - the total distance racing trails. 5 qualifying and 2 final stages. On the start line riders went out in pairs, threes, fives and even sixes. On the way to victory, tractor operators bravely overcame sharp turns, jumps, water obstacles and speed plots. From stage to stage, tasks became more difficult, and the confrontation intensified. On the extremely winding road developed a speed of 80 km / h.

Tractors turned over, went the distance, stuck in the fords and yet many managed quickly put the vehicle in order and return to the track again. So, for example, did the only racer Olga Podvachilina in her debut contest. And Alexander Ryazantsev, who has a tight the windshield covered with mud, without hesitation, knocked it out to continue the race. Not inferior athletes in stamina and numerous fans. Under the scorching sun riders supported by about 40 thousand spectators. The hottest competition in the history of the Bizon-Track-Show made an almost 40-degree inferno and extreme struggle unfolding between the participants of the races.

On this year, the favorites of the tractor went one after another. Could not reach decisive heats neither last year’s champion Alexander Grechkin, nor two-time the winner of the competition Ali Akhmetov, who returned to the race track after a five-year break with four gold medals winner Anatoly Bobrovsky. They fought desperately, boldly entered into contact struggle, squeezed out of cars last horsepower. And yet the race leaders could not resist the onslaught, already gained experience rivals.

The most spectacular was the fifth stage, “Six to Six” (6 races to 6 participants). For the first time, not everyone with each one fought on a closed oval type track, but “all with all." In the races only the place of the riders in the starting grid changed. In martial arts on dry and wetlands, in clouds of smoke and dust, splashes of dirt, under the roar of engines and the cries of the audience identified the top four riders.

In the small final, the machine operators fought for third place. Hitch pulling is almost like a tug of war. Only on the tractor, and even on a slippery road. And both times Roman Struk from the Rostov Region was defeated by Yuri Arkhiptsev from the Stavropol territory, who won bronze.

The culmination of the Bizon-Track-Show was the super final. In tractor speed on the cross terrain with overcoming water and mud obstacles fought Edilby Karayanov and Vyacheslav Mironov from the Rostov and Moscow regions. In the fight for first place opponent twice confidently beat the mechanic Mironov. To the main stage on the podium he walked 8 years. Last year he was the second, in this rose higher. And for Karayanov, participating in the race, 8 times too, the silver award was the best result on competitions.

The winner of the Bizon-Track-Show 2019 was handed the keys to the tractor (136 HP). For the second and third place gave tractors "Belarus". For the fourth place – spreader fertilizer. The main prizes for farmers were granted by the Government of the Rostov region.
Tournament table
Place | Machine operators | Farm | Participation experience |
1 | Vyacheslav Mironov | IP Oleg Levaykov, City Roshal, Moscow region | 8 years |
2 | Edilby Karayanov | KFH Aleksandra Urieva, Neklinovskii district, Rostov region | 8 years |
3 | Yuri Arkhiptsev | KFH Uria Arhipceva, Kirovskii area, Stavropol region | 9 years |
4 | Roman Struk | RZK «Resyrs», Tacinskii area, Rostov region | 5 years |